picture1-e1493936871636For those of you playing along at home, you will recognize this is the 4th version of my assessment rubric for assessing assessments 🙂

As a shout-out to my instructors, it also marks a shift from assessment for learning, where we’ve been given feedback to improve our work and increase our learning throughout the process, to an assessment of learning, meaning they’ll be using this final iteration to make judgements about how much we’ve come to understand.

For those of us in #cep813, everybody’s rubrics are starting to swim together. For those of you NOT in that class, who *somehow* haven’t read my rubric yet 😉 I would encourage you to do so, with this lens:

  • If your district office released this as an assessment rubric for your district tomorrow, how would you respond? How would the district at large respond?
  • For criterion that may cause an uproar, why do you think that would be? Would it be a disagreement on principles or a difficulty to implement?

Read away!